Use Python's smtplib
and pydns
to directly send email without
queuing, to allow reporting a bad address to a user.
Python read-only access to old MacOS Resources on Linux, MOSX, or other platforms,
including AppleSingle/AppleDouble files, /rsrc on MOSX, and __MACOSX/ directory trees
in ditto archives.
geordy_backup for rotating rsync backups
uses rsync
to make four-hourly,
daily, weekly, and monthly (remote) backups, and runs on Linux.
Control Microsoft's Windows Media Player volume and mute from your
keyboard, even when Windows Media Player is not in front or is minimized,
even if your keyboard has no Mute, Lower Volume, or Raise Volume
keys. If your keyboard has those keys, make them control Windows Media Player
directly, instead of changing the main volume and mute.
TrayButton source code
Use TrayButton.cp to allow your application to minimize to either a Taskbar
button or to a Taskbar Notification ("SysTray") icon. TrayButton can use
either a Tool window to hide the Taskbar Button or not change the window
style. Usage is simple. TrayButton subclasses your window, and takes care of
all the work.
I wrote Lines, and then Bubbles, back in 1985, for the then-new Apple
Macintosh computer, and it caused some excitement then, in those simpler days.
Now, 20 years later, here are Lines and Bubbles, together in one
application, for Mac and Windows.
I wrote Apple Shaped Windows back in 1985, to demonstate my sk!11z by
writing a WDEF with an unusual shape. Like Lines, it also caused some
excitement then. Now, 20 years later, here is a Windows version.
MakeDist programmer's utility
MakeDist is a VBScript utility I use to automate Making a Distribution: it
makes a backup of the project, copys the executable and optionally the source
to my distribution folder, with unneeded files removed, and then zips
everything up.
apropos2 GNU man package enhancement
is a more useful version of the GNU
package) that prints only entries matching
all search words.
is a plugin for yum (Yellowdog
Updater Modified) as used in Fedora Core 5, that ensures that yum chooses a
stable, working, up-to-date mirror.
rpm_verifydb Verify RPM's database each day
is a script in cron.daily to
verify the RPM database as used on Fedora and other Redhat-type Linux systems
and rebuild it as needed.
reposinsync Yum mirror sync tester
is a tool to check whether
the mirrors for yum repositories are working and up-to-date.
gtapecalc RPM packages for gtapecalc
is a tape calculator in GTK
for which I have made Fedora-compatible packages.
ramfile card file program
(Python, Linux, Windows)
is a card file program with easy,
useful searching, that runs on Linux and Microsoft Windows.
fastcharmap Python extension module
provides faster charmap
codec decode and encode for Python 2.3 (and 2.4?).
I'm not that much with HTML, but I've tried to make a web page that will display
properly in a wide range of Web Browsers, without a lot of compatibility
issues. Here's how I did it.
I'm a nerd from way back.